Funding sources cited in the publications,
* or as given in NF1980 for Conners, Harley, Levy, Mattes, Swanson, Weiss and Williams

Brenner1977 none
Palmer1975 none
Rapp1978 AAP-MEFC
Salzman1976 none
Conners1976* NIE
Conners1980Book* NIMH, NIE, NF
ConnersConf1980* NIMH, NIE
Harley1978a* UW-FRI, DHEW
Harley1978b* NF?
Harley1980 UW-FRI for paper prep
Levey1978a* NF?
Levey1978b* NF?
Mattes1978* NF?
Mattes1981* NF?
Swanson1980* NF?
SwansonConf1980 HWC, OME, OMHF
TritesConf1980 HWC
Weiss1980* FDA
Williams1978* PSI
   post 1981:
Kavale1983 none
Mattes1983* NF?
Rimland1983 none
Rowe1994 RCHRF
Wender-NF1986 none

none = No funding source cited in the journal publication
NF? = No funding source cited in the journal publication but group's work in NF1980
NF = Nutrition Foundation
NIMH = U.S. National Institute of Mental Health Psychopharmacology Research Branch
    (contract RO1-MH-28458)
NIE = U.S. National Institute of Education (contract NIE-R-74-0007)
UW-FRI = University of Wisconsin Food Research Institute (grant 133-9051)
DHEW = U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (grant 233-76-2041)
HWC, OME, OMHF = Health and Welfare Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Mental Health Foundation
PSI = PSI Foundation, physicians in Ontario
AAP-MEFC = American Academy of Pediatrics Memorial and Endowment Fund for Children
RCHRF = Royal Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Victoria, Australia
Wender was co-chair of NF1980